Before the school year kicks into high gear, it’s important to give yourself the tools needed for academic success and maximum organization.
Here are five ideas to set up the perfect workstation:
1. Clear up clutter - First, determine how you use items. If paperwork is referenced multiple times a week, store it on your desk in a file tray or upright sorter. If you use these items more rarely, you can store them in a drawer using a hanging filing system.
Likewise, keep the tools you use most - pens, pencils, calculator - on your desk. A compartmental caddy is a tidy way to store such items of varying sizes.
2.Give it some life - Plants can help liven up a work atmosphere, bringing vitality to the space. Improving indoor air quality and being associated with mental health benefits, houseplants are more than just beautiful. And introducing them to a workstation may just help boost productivity during long study sessions.
3. Visualize it - Great for prepping school presentations or easily viewing documents, a projector is a great addition to a student’s workstation.
4. Write it down - No workstation is complete without a handy notebook, kept close by. Whether it’s making to-do lists, jotting down quick thoughts or taking notes, this is a must-have item, even in today’s digital world.
5 .Add it up - A basic desktop calculator is essential to any student’s workstation. Those from Casio feature 12 digits and run on both battery and solar power so you can work anywhere, and with independent memory, you can easily take breaks from tasks and return to them later.
6.The right light - If possible, set up workstations near sources of natural light for a mood and focus boost. For nighttime study sessions and for those without windows, high-quality task lighting is critical.
Versatility is key, so look for a desk lamp with an adjustable neck as well as dimming capabilities. For space-savers, check out desk lamps pulling double-duty. Many of today’s models feature USB charging ports at their base.