
Summer Season Mosquito Control Tips From Miami-Dade County

MIAMI —Eddie Cochran may have once famously sung that "There ain't no cure for the summertime blues!", but there are plenty of ways to reduce the hassle caused by peak mosquito activity. One need not have to limit outdoor time just because of the threat of mosquito bites, and the seriousness of the diseases they can carry.         

"Reducing the amount of available breeding sources and using a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-registered mosquito repellent are a powerful and effective one-two punch in fighting mosquito bites," says Dr. William Petrie, director of the Miami-Dade County Mosquito Control Division. "We urge residents to check their homes for standing water on a weekly basis and to protect themselves each time they venture outside."

Here is more information on how to keep mosquitoes from breeding and biting:   

Eliminate standing water, especially after a rain shower has moved through. Get rid of any objects that may collect water and breed mosquitoes, such as unused planters, bottle caps, and broken appliances. Use mosquito dunks containing the naturally-occurring larvicide Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) in bird baths, fountains and fish ponds, and Bti granules in your bromeliads, to kill the bugs before they become biting adults.

Use a mosquito repellent containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus or IR-3535 – these are by far the most effective types available. In lieu of a repellent, cover your skin with long sleeves, pants, socks, shoes, and hats. For extra protection, spray your hat or clothing with repellent, particularly those made with picaridin, which does not harm clothing fabrics.

Schedule an inspection by one of our professionals by calling 311, using the website located at, or downloading and submitting through the Miami-Dade County Department of Solid Waste mobile app for iPhone. (You can also set recycling reminders, find a trash and recycling center near you, and schedule a bulky waste pick up, among other functions.) Mosquito inspections and the subsequent treatments are conducted within one to two business days.  

For more information about our mosquito control program and additional tips, please visit

Like the Mosquito Control Division Facebook page here:; follow @305Mosquito on Twitter and Instagram.

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9020 Sw 152nd St
Palmetto Bay, Florida 33157-1928, US
  (305) 238-2868