The Clarendon Health Services (CHS), showed its appreciation for the oustanding work done by Custos Rotulorom of the parish, the Hon. William “Billy” Shagoury, with an appreciation ceremony held in his honour on Monday November 30, 2020 on the Clarendon Health Department grounds.
Special guest at the ceremony included: Mayor of May Pen His Worship Councillor Winston Maragh, Councillor of the Denbigh Division Joel Williams, acting Chief Executive Officer of the May Pen Hospital Eugena Clarke-James, Clarendon Parish Manger Joseph Grant along with other healthcare workers from the region.
Custos Shagoury has been instrumental in the fight against COVID-19 in the parish, donating hundreds of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and hand sanitizers. The Custos also donated a tent to be used when hosting COVID-19 related events, while also giving the CHS access to vehicles for broadcasting COVID-19 protocols to the public.
The ceremony featured several testimonials from individuals who have witnessed the Custos donating items such as tablets, books d, fogging machines and other supplies to help with the upkeep of the parish. Ms. Clarke-James said that Custos Shagoury’s impact in the parish spans more than the health sector and the current pandemic.
“This function is just our way of showing how much we appreciate your service, not only to health, but for all you have done for the parish of Clarendon. You have given back to education, you have helped in the fight against mosquitoes in the parish and you have given back to the less fortunate. So many of our youth can attest to the kindness you have extended to them, helping with university tuition and more, we want to thank you and we pray that you remain healthy.”
Custos Shagoury in accepting the commendations said it was with great pleasure that he helped the health workers within the parish.
“You put not only your lives, but your families’ lives at risk as well and we must appreciate you for what you have been doing because you have really done an honourable service, not only the nurses and the doctors, but everyone associated with the health sector. My heart goes out to everyone here and I appreciate all of you and will continue to give as long as I can.”
At the end of the appreciation ceremony, Custos Shagoury was gifted with tokens of appreciation including a citation, a photo collage and gift baskets. Customer Service Manager for the May Pen Hospital, Faith Sterling, was also given a surprise token for her four years of outstanding service at the organization.