KINGSTON, Jamaica – The National Family Planning Board (NFPB) has embarked on a public education campaign aimed at building awareness and promoting the reduction of stigma and discrimination against persons living with HIV.
The campaign, titled, ‘Champions for Change’, was conceptualized against the background that despite stigma and discrimination-reduction efforts, these issues remain deeply rooted in the Jamaican social construct and continue to threaten the gains being realized in the National HIV prevention and treatment response.
“What we have found is that while we have treatment that is free, while we have health facilities across the country that allow services to be available and accessible, and while we also have a non-governmental organization, the Jamaica AIDS Support for Life (JASL), that also provides services for people living with HIV, persons are still afraid to access the services,” said NFPB director pf the Enabling Environment and Human Rights Unit, Karlene Temple Anderson.
She told a JIS Think Tank that the campaign will have a two-pronged approach with a .
a media component that includes the development of television and radio commercials as well as infographics and interviews.
The second component is the engagement of three “Champions for Change” ambassadors who will support and promote the key messages that should lead to the reduction of stigma and discrimination.
They are former political ombudsman and attorney Donna Parchment-Brown; medical practitioner Dr. Mario Evon Guthrie, and creative director, marketer and musician, Dimario McDowell.
The ambassadors will act as change agents who will build awareness and motivate members of their networks to get involved in stigma and discrimination efforts.
Mrs. Temple Anderson explained that while the engagement, which began in June, was for an initial six weeks, the Champions have decided to continue their advocacy efforts.
She expressed gratitude for the decision on the part of the Champions to continue.
“We are overwhelmed that the initiative has been so well received and at the fact that the Champions would feel so strongly about it that they would want to continue. It highlights the fact that the intervention was needed, and that people are willing to support.”