When the Lionel Town Hospital (LTH) in Clarendon received hospital supplies valued at more than US $15, 000 or J $2 million in February this year, they were utilized within 24 hours of delivery.
The much-needed items including 23 beds, six wheel chairs, 30 over-bed tables, seven mattresses, 40 pillows, 14 quad walkers, a recliner, five rolling walkers, six crutches and 34 walking canes, were donated by US-based Jamaican Dr. Everton Fider and officially handed over on Thursday, August 8.
Dr. Fider noted that he was impressed and encouraged that the items were utilized so quickly after receipt and not placed in storage, indicating that the items were well needed.
The healthcare administrator, who believes that patients and customers must be treated selflessly, encouraged the staff members at the LTH, to provide care unselfishly.
“I want to encourage the health staff that when you give care to a person, look at the person as if it is was your mother, your father, your child; look at the person as if you were the one receiving the care. You never know how a simple act of kindness can change a person’s life” Dr. Fider said.
Regional Director for the Southern Regional Health Authority, Michael Bent expressed appreciation to Dr. Fider for his generous donation, adding that: “Dr. Fider could have gone elsewhere to donate. There are so many other places and countries but he chose the Lionel Town Hospital and we are indeed grateful. Health care is a high cost business and cannot be sustained by the government alone so we thank the donors for their invaluable contribution and for building a relationship with us” Mr. Ben said.
The Lionel Town Hospital is a 47 bed facility, which offers service to more than 36, 000 persons in Clarendon.