If you are like many Americans, you probably read advice about health and wellness everywhere, from news feeds to social media.
But, despite the abundance of information, many are still struggling to reach their weight loss goals.
So, what is the cause of this disconnect?
While many Americans are no longer in the dark about healthy eating – 92 percent believe they know the right foods to eat - more than half still knowingly make poor food choices daily, and two-thirds are currently looking to lose weight, according to a new report commissioned by Jenny Craig.
One challenge contributing to this disconnect is confusing buzzwords that many weight loss programs and products use in their marketing. Today, “wellness” products are popping up everywhere, though 42 percent of Americans say they are unsure how to even define the term.
Fortunately, experts say that making the leap from knowing what to do, to actually doing it, can be made easier with the right tools and support.
“Having a science-based structured plan as well as ongoing support increases the likelihood people can find success on their weight loss journey,” says Dr. Pamela Peeke, chair of the Jenny Craig Science Advisory Board.
One important area of support, Dr. Peeke explains, is in meal planning. Nearly three in five people spend seven to 14 hours planning and preparing meals each week.
A program that offers nutritionally-balanced, chef-crafted meals can not only help reduce stress (the top cited reason for weight loss struggles) but also free up valuable hours to get more sleep or focus on another area of your overall health. What’s more, the report found that nearly nine in 10 Americans (88 percent) believe that having healthy, prepared meals would help them reach their weight-related goals.
Another critical tool for sustainable weight loss is guidance and motivation.
Unfortunately, less than half of those surveyed say they have adequate support to be at a healthy weight. That is why science-driven, structured weight loss programs offer ongoing, one-on-one support from a personal consultant that can help people stay focused on their goals while learning about portion control and other ways to develop healthy eating habits.
The customized support from a dedicated consultant allows you to personalize your weight loss plan, talk through challenges, track your progress and get the encouragement and guidance you need to help you reach your goal. Learn more about how to achieve your health goals at jennycraig.com.
If you are struggling to lose weight, getting support and straightforward guidance may be able to help you find success.