Leading Diaspora Voices Join Ambassadors to Discuss Re-Opening of Caribbean States at Zoom Town Hall
Massachusetts/CMM…Leading Diaspora Voices will join Ambassadors of several Caribbean Countries for Part 2 of Caribbean Covid-19 Response—the Re-opening of Caribbean States, Zoom Town Hall on Tuesday July 7, 2020 at 4pm EST. The discussion forum is presented by the Authentic Caribbean Foundation (ACF) and will be streamed live on various platforms including the Authen Caribe Facebook Page as well as on its Instagram Page, Authentic Foundation.
Dr. Karren Dunkley, North-East Representative, Global Jamaica Diaspora Council will provide a Diaspora Community update. Other speakers are Miranda Alexander, President, representing the Caribbean Community of Philadelphia; Violette Haldane, President, West Indian Foundation of Hartford; Meegan Scott President, Magate Wildhorse, representing the Canadian Diaspora and Rudi Page, MCW Enhanced Leadership Insights – UK Diaspora representative.
Colette Cyrus-Burnett, Founder of the Global Food Warrior (GFW) movement has been added to the Panel to discuss the vital issue of food security for the region. GFW mission is making Food Security possible across the Caribbean through intentional action innovation and enterprise using planet-saving initiatives in Agriculture to eradicate hunger - once and for all.
The discussion will focus on what “reopening” will mean to Caribbean states against the background of the Covid-19 Pandemic and providing Diaspora support and resources. The panel will also examine issues around youth development, food security and the trade of Caribbean goods in the state of Massachusetts and across the wider United States.
The Zoom Live link is ZOOM MEETING https://zoom.us/j/6083349367 Meeting ID: 608 334 9367 while Dial in (Emergency) calling via +1 646 558 8656
Andrew Sharpe will host the panel and will be joined by Ms. Lisa Harper, Co-host. Moderator for the panel will be Ms. Donna Frett of ACF.
For more information, contact:
About The Authentic Caribbean Foundation
The Authentic Caribbean Foundation (ACF) is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, based in Boston, geared toward transforming the lives of Caribbean children impacted by disabilities and HIV/AIDS and assisting caregivers and institutions.
The Authentic Caribbean Foundation was established in November 2012. ACF seeks to eliminate poverty through the development of community tourism and other self-sustaining opportunities in Disability and HIV/Aids affected communities. Its long term goal is providing education and training, health services, to children and adults with disability and HIV/AIDS within the Diaspora and the Caribbean.
ACF seeks, through its mission, to bolster HIV/AIDS research in the Diaspora and the Caribbean.