The Affordable Care Act (ACA) extended health coverage for Latino and African Americans and prevents insurance plans from denying or making care more expensive for someone due to their gender. But the President and Republican leaders keep trying to take care away from Americans during this pandemic.Without it, over 8.4 million Floridians would be left without coverage protection.
This week, I am proud to say I helped pass the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Enhancement Act, that will lower health coverage costs, lower prescription drug prices, incentivize Medicaid expansion in states like Florida, expand health coverage to communities of color, crack down on junk plans, and strengthen protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
Washington Post - House Democrats Push Through First Bill In A Decade Expanding Affordable Care Act
As our nation faces the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, I'm proud of our bold plan to create millions of jobs lost to COVID-19, invest in public transportation, and rebuild our crumbling highways and bridges. The historic H.R.2 bill, the Moving Forward Act, will create millions of jobs, rebuild America’s outdated infrastructure, and is estimated to invest nearly $17 billion in Florida highway and transit over the next five years.
I have been pushing for a renewed infrastructure plan that would address the unprecedented job loss COVID-19 has brought and revitalize our economy. The Moving Forward Act does just that.
Miami Herald – Mucarsel-Powell Wants $760 Billion Infrastructure Plan Included In Coronavirus Relief
This legislation would help bring rail and better public transit to South Florida, and ultimately a more reasonable commute for working Floridians. It would create jobs in fisheries- and tourism-dependent communities hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, and protects coastal communities from climate change, sea-level rise and stronger, more frequent storms
Another part of the bill is the bipartisan Shovel-Ready Restoration Grants for Coastlines and Fisheries Act of 2020, which I had the honor of leading with U.S. Rep. Don Young (AK). This legislation authorizes $3 billion for shovel-ready resilience projects that help bring back jobs lost by COVID-19 and boost the climate resilience of our coastlines.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused millions of Americans, such as fishermen, to lose their jobs and has forced state and local leaders to make difficult budget cuts to important programs, including efforts to increase climate resilience of sensitive coastal habitats. This bill will invest in our fragile coastal ecosystems, help mitigate the effects of sea level rise, create thousands of good-paying jobs that span a wide range of skill levels and trades, support our fishermen, and strengthen our local economies.
Congress must pass this legislation to strengthen our coastal resiliency and help countless Floridians who are out of work through no fault of their own.
COVID-19 is surging. Floridians are frustrated. And we’re all wondering: where is the State of Florida?
This week, I brought together elected officials and public health administrators to discuss how we can fill the gaps in leadership from the governor’s office during this crisis. We fought and advocated for federal resources for communities, but we aren't seeing how they're being used. We've heard whispers of contact tracing but haven’t seen a plan or implementation. We're hearing of testing locations forced to turn away people because they don't meet criteria. Coronavirus hotspots should have surge testing, but that’s not happening.
We have not yet succeeded in flattening the first wave. In fact, in the last two weeks, confirmed cases in the state have gone up 197%. With a confirmed positivity rate well above recommended levels and a rate of transmission that suggests we're headed to exponential spread; we can no longer wait for him to act. It's up to us to do the work where Governor DeSantis has failed. Avoid congregating in groups. Stay 6-10 feet apart whenever possible. Wear a mask. And get tested even if you're feeling mildly symptomatic. We can and will weather this storm, with or without the governor's leadership.
As a member of the Congressional Coronavirus Task Force, I am working on the next steps to curb the spread of the virus both locally and nationally. Listen as I speak with NBC 6’s Jackie Nespral about our task force’s work.
NBC Miami - NBC 6 Impact: Representative Mucarsel-Powel
Read Some Of The Mucarsel-Powell Headlines From This Week!
Más de un millón de personas han pedido la ayuda por el desempleo en Estados Unidos debido a la pandemia del coronavirus y se teme que la cifra siga en alza al aumentar los contagios. El presidente Trump ha dicho que sí habrá un segundo cheque de estímulo, pero la aprobación de los fondos depende del Congreso. La congresista Debbie Mucarsel-Powell explica cuándo podría llegar esa ayudada económica.
NBC Miami: NBC 6 Impact: Representative Mucarsel-Powell
Jackie Nespral sits down for a one on one interview with U.S. Representative Debbie Mucarsel-Powell on this segment of NBC 6 Impact.
Florida Daily: Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, Don Young Team Up to Push for $3 Billion for Coastline Projects
“As we work to mend the damage to our economy done by this pandemic, we must start with shovel-ready projects that strengthen our fishing industry and coastal economy in South Florida. This bill will invest in our fragile coastal ecosystems, help mitigate the effects of sea-level rise, create thousands of good-paying jobs that span a wide range of skill levels and trades, support our fishermen, and strengthen our local economies,” said Mucarsel-Powell on Tuesday. “Congress must pass this legislation to strengthen our coastal resiliency and help countless Floridians who are out of work through no fault of their own.”
Audubon Society: Coastal Stimulus Bill Will Provide a Much-needed Boost for Fishermen and Birds Alike
Today, Audubon endorses the bipartisan Shovel-Ready Restoration Grants for Coastlines and Fisheries Act of 2020, introduced by Reps. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL) and Don Young (R-AK), which will provide $3 billion in funding to support vital projects to protect and restore coastal ecosystems.
Florida Daily: Florida Congressional Representatives Continue to Oppose Drilling in the Eastern Gulf
Members of the Florida congressional delegation continue to line up against drilling off the Sunshine State. Earlier this month, Politico reported that the U.S. Interior Department is ready to open up the eastern Gulf for drilling after the November elections. Last week, U.S. Reps. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, D-Fla., and U.S. Rep. Francis Rooney, R-Fla., both of whom are members of the House Oceans Caucus and Everglades Caucus, continued to take aim at drilling…“Protecting our environment is something that unites Floridians of all political stripes. We experienced first-hand the destruction from the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe, and we remember it like it happened yesterday. We need to be doing everything we can to make sure nothing like that happens again. Drilling and spilling are incompatible with Floridians’ way of life,” Mucarsel-Powell said.
Our Tweets!
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: I'm in Congress because 3 yrs ago, I watched as my colleagues across the aisle took a vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which would have ripped healthcare away from tens of thousands in #FL26 & over 2M Floridians. Today’s vote is so important to me & millions in Florida. LINK
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: Economic recovery in #FL26 includes our fishing industry & coasts. That is why today I introduced bipartisan legislation w/ @repdonyoung that authorizes $3B for shovel-ready programs to bring back lost jobs & boost climate resilience of our coastlines LINK
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: The president’s words and actions are putting the future of Venezuela in danger, and the pattern is clear: Trump truly enjoys giving a platform to dictators. It clearly shows his complete disregard for freedom and democracy. LINK
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: Once again, rent is due and countless families will be unable to make ends meet through no fault of their own. I'm proud to have fought for this $250M in federal funds for housing assistance in FL, and eager to see it go directly to families in need. LINK
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: FL doesn’t have time to wait. We need climate action NOW. I’m proud to stand w/ @ClimateCrisis to push forward a bold plan for #SolvingTheClimateCrisis. Together we can: put Americans back to work, make our communities more resilient, protect clean air & public health. LINK
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: Did Russia play a role in the deaths of American troops? Did Trump’s refusal to act play a role? How much did he know and when? Our troops & their families deserve honesty. The American people deserve transparency. This isn’t about politics. This is about our national security LINK
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: We have no time to lose before thousands are forced to give up their homes under economic pressure. I will continue to push for housing needs in the HEROES Act, which includes: -A broad eviction moratorium -$100b in emergency rental assistance -$11.5b for homelessness programs LINK
Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell @RepDMP: Lo que hemos visto, específicamente en el estado de la florida, es falta de liderazgo. Están dando un mensaje preocupante de que las personas no usen esa mascarilla para protegerse y contener la propagación del virus. @jorgeramosnews LINK