ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada – Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell says his ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC), which was elected to office on June 23rd, does not have a magic wand to fix all issues and has called on workers in the public sector to give 100 percent performance in their duties.
Prime Minister Dickon MitchellSpeaking with staff at the Ministry of Finance, Mitchell, who is the Minister for Finance, highlighted areas of importance that he plans to address in the short term.
“These include greater use of technology in government business with the goal of going paperless and the regularization of the staff in the next 12 to 18 months,” said Mitchel.
But he warned that the government does not possess a “magic wand” to fix all issues, and highlighting the need for all workers to give 100 percent in the performance of their duties, as increased productivity will ensure successful output and alignment with the government’s priorities.
A government statement issued after the meeting said Mitchell used the leaning on the people-first team-spirit approach as he encouraged heads of divisions to place greater attention on workers’ health and safety whilst consistently improving their physical working conditions.
During the campaign for the general election, the 44 year-old attorney and his party had promised to regularize the status of persons operating within the public service.
“This includes public officers on acting, probationary and temporary appointments, as well as persons holding contracts of various types, but, carrying out the duties of public officers,” according to the party’s manifesto.
The NDC also gave the assurance that it will undertake a review of the pay and grade structure within the public service as well as train and retrain public officers and other government employees.