PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley will face a four-way battle for the leadership of the ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) when elections are held later this year, the elections supervisory committee (ESC) chairman, Anthony Roberts, has announced
He said former finance minister Karen Nunez-Tesheira, Ronald Boynes, the brother of a former government minister and Junior Barrack had been nominated to contest the elections that will be held November 26 and 27 and December 4.
Rowley did not present his nomination papers when the processed closed on Monday, but that was done by the chairman of the Diego Martin Regional Corporation Sigler Jack and chairman of Rowley’s Diego Martin West constituency office, Robert Cezair.
Nunez-Tesheira says she remains confident of winning telling reporters “I want to make it clear that I am not challenging the government.
“My chances of winning the party leadership? I hope that what I would have said resonated with the national community…that I will walk the walk. I will not just talk the talk,” she said expressing concern over the three days of voting.
In a letter to Roberts, Nunez-Tesheira said the three days of voting while not unlawful, just uncommon Boynes said his challenge is about bettering the PNM and by extension the country. Boynes told a news conference that he has accepted like Jesus “this bitter cup” on behalf of the people.
In 2018, Rowley had accused Boynes of flip-flopping between the PNM and the main opposition United National Congress (UNC).
Boynes told reporters that 26 years ago a friend approached him to join the UNC, which he did for a few weeks before resigning.
“I bring something different to the equation. I understand that the economy has to be transformed, there has to be a transformation of how we do things,” Boynes said.
Barrack served as a Temporary Opposition UNC Senator according to the Trinidad Parliament website.
A number of government ministers are contesting posts within the executive of the party that was formed in 1955.
Rowley has been at the helm of the party since May 2010.