
Register to Vote

Florida Residents: Register to Vote or Update Your Address here.  Also click this link to download the paper form necessary to update your signature, which you should do every 4 years.  If you need a paper form sent to you, call or text the South Dade NAACP at (305) 209-0195,

Miami-Dade Residents: PLEASE request a Vote By Mail ballot here

Vote by mail ballot requests are only good for 2 years, so if you’re not sure when you last requested it, please renew your request now.  

We’re asking everyone to request a vote by mail ballot because with the pandemic, we’re not sure whether all polling places will be open –he polling or whether you’ll want to stand in line.  If you’re the type of person who likes to vote in person, this is a sort of “insurance policy” which you can take with you if you decide to do so.  But if you change your mind, mail it no fewer than 5 days before the election day.

And Everyone living in the USA: Please take 5 minutes to respond to the Census ASAP here.  You will be asked the name and birthdate of everyone living at your house, whether or not they’re on a lease, paying rent, or just camping out on your couch long term.  Your individualized information is secure and confidential for 72 years, which give your grandchildren and great-grandchildren something to look forward to in 2092.  This information is NOT AVAILABLE TO ANYONE outside the Census Bureau and cannot be used to follow up on any other legal issues or anything else.  Your response means more Federal dollars for your community, and determines how many Members of Congress Florida gets.

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Contact Us

9020 Sw 152nd St
Palmetto Bay, Florida 33157-1928, US
  (305) 238-2868