SANTIAGO, Chile – The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) says its Acting Executive Secretary Mario Cimoli and the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, have underscored the importance of strengthening and deepening their ties of bi-regional cooperation in the complex global context caused by the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep BorrellDuring a bilateral meeting held the United Nations regional commission’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile, ECLAC said Borrell and Cimoli shared their views on topics of mutual interest, such as the socioeconomic impacts of the war on both regions.
“In this sense, they reiterated their commitment to peace and global multilateralism and agreed to strengthen joint work and support dialogue between both regions on key areas like environmental sustainability and climate change, food autonomy, international cooperation and financing for development,” said ECLAC in a statement.
During the meeting, Borrell emphasized ECLAC’s role in regional integration and expressed his commitment to continue working to foster a solid bi-regional alliance, according to ECLAC.
It said Cimoli, on the other hand, underlined that Borrell’s visit is “a clear sign of Europe’s willingness and commitment to strengthen its ties to Latin America and the Caribbean at a momentous time for peace and, ultimately, for development.”
Borrell underlined that the current global context “reminds us of the extraordinary importance of joint action between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean, alongside the United Nations, in light of the collective challenges that the war has once again put on the table, such as the climate issue.”
“Once and for all, geopolitical considerations should support the fight against climate change and not be an excuse to leave it until tomorrow,” he warned.
Borrell emphasized that “now is the time to speed up the energy transition, and highlighted the responsibility and leadership that the government of Chile has shown in its ambitious climate goals, as well as its decision to adhere to the Escazú Agreement.
After the bilateral meeting, ECLAC said both officials participated in the inauguration of the EU and Chile joining together for climate action: from the global to the level, an event organized in the framework of EUROCLIMA+, of which ECLAC forms a part as one of seven implementing agencies.