
Social Security and America Saves Week

This year, America Saves Week (ASW) runs from February 24 through 29.  The week is an opportunity for organizations to promote good financial habits.  It’s also a great time for people to assess their own saving status, as planning and saving are key to a successful retirement.

save week ssASW is the perfect time to promote our shared mission of helping millions of people prepare for their future.  Join the #ASW20 movement by using this hashtag when posting about your savings goals.

It’s never too early to start planning for your retirement.  Set a goal, make a plan, and save automatically.  Savers with a plan are twice as likely to save successfully.  Pledge to save for America Saves Week at

To help you with your retirement saving goals, we have many tools for retirement planning.  You can access our online information and resources at

It’s never too late for you to begin saving.  Younger workers may think they have time to put off saving for their future, but the sooner they begin, the more their money can grow.  Our website for young workers at has resources that can help you secure today and tomorrow.

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