

AI Condemns the Murder of George Floyd in the United States

So, we condemned China last month for the video beating of black people on the streets of Guangzhou, and this month we must condemn the United States for the wanton murders of black people, the latest one on video being the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We declare that Afrocentricity International in its quest for African unity stands with those courageous people who defy any racial or cultural attacks on Africans anywhere.

George Floyd was apprehended because a store owner believed he had given them a fake twenty dollar bill. The police aggressively arrested him, put handcuffs on him and four of them wrestled him to the ground where he was suffocated by a white policeman who put his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly ten minutes choking the life out of him. 

Clearly the racists of the world have continued the war on us.  The Chinese and the Arabs have often learned from the Europeans and our sense of dignity, grace, and humanity has often been mistaken for weakness.

Perhaps it is time for us to consider that deliberate and assertive resistance might be better than dying at the hands of evil murderers who often come to us with an entire cadre of murderers with a KKK-like attitude toward black people.

Racial ugliness in the United States has no boundaries when it comes to African people. Afrocentricity International has no boundary when it comes to condemning racist murders of black people. We know that the murderer Derek Chauvin understood that he was killing George Floyd on television because he appeared to enjoy his arrogant knee on the neck of a black man. This injustice cannot be allowed to stand, and the United States must take action to create new laws if necessary, to restrain and arrest police who murder people in cold blood. Our list of victims grows each day because for the incidents that are recorded on video there are scores more that are not recorded. In Louisville, Breonna Taylor, a black female security person, was shot eight times in her own home at night by three white policemen who broke through her door. Her boyfriend shot back and was injured.

AI declares its solidarity with Black Lives Matter and other organizations seeking justice for African people. We are ready to work in concert with any and all vanguard movements that seek justice and freedom. We are prepared to regularly point out the toxic nature of the systemic racism that exists in the United States and any other nation that wantonly murders black people. Solidarity with young Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio; Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida; Eric Garner in New York; Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri; Breonna Taylor in Kentucky; Tony MacDade in Florida; and Freddie Gray in Baltimore, Maryland, and hundreds of other non-video-taped black men and women murdered on the streets of America. We will not rest until all black people are free!

Unity is our Aim; Victory is our Destiny!

Dr. Ama Mazama, Per-aat

Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, Sesh

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