

Finances for Females

It’s been said that a woman’s best protection is a little money of her own. Sure, we all know that a woman has to have a little nest egg hidden away, vex money they call it, just in case the man deserts her and she has to fend for herself. That term ‘vex money,’ is derived from the notion that a woman should always have her own money when she goes out on a date with a man, just in case the evening doesn’t turn out well and she ‘gets vex,’ she can always find her way home by taking a taxi with her vex money.

billpittMen have been known to put women out of their cars in the middle of an evening because it wasn’t going as planned, and women have also been known to get so disgusted with the man that they chose to leave the scene as quickly as possible.

But what happens when the woman has more than vex money, but so much money that the man gets really vexed with her for having more than what he has?

Yes, it does happen, as some men are steeped in the tradition that women must not have more money than them. In his eyes it may be a cause of embarrassment and ridicule from his friends.

“He is the bread winner, but she owns the bakery and makes all the dough, hahahaha.”

There is some unwritten law of the universe that states that a man should be more financially viable than his woman, and that should not be deviated from.

This is done even subconsciously by men when they choose a mate, as in most cases, a man will only get involved with a woman who is less financially stable than him. He will not go above his class, but will stay in his lane. Let it not be said by onlookers that, “Oh dear, she married beneath her station.”

You will never see a waiter, security guard or gas station attendant try to romance the female CEO of a major institution. The disparaging remarks would come from without and within. “She’s way out of his league.”

So what happens when a woman is in a higher tax bracket than the man and has far more than he could ever dream of? It may rattle his self esteem, and shatter his ego, for he knows that all the trappings of life that he enjoys, such as the house, car and such, were all bought and paid for with her finances.

Her financial portfolio is five times more than his. She can now purchase what he can only dream of.

With her increased financial upliftment comes great power, more than he could ever dream of, and we all know what power does, it corrupts. As for absolute power, it corrupts absolutely.

Some women will not make a big deal out of it, while others will flaunt it and rub the man’s nose in it. “That little pittance that you’re earning can’t even pay the cable bill.”

There’s this joke about a wife who raced home and breathlessly shouted to her husband, “I won fifty million dollars in the lotto, start packing.” The ecstatic husband replied, “Yes honey, where are we going, Paris, Rome, Dubai?” To which the wife shouted, “Who said anything about we, I meant you, start packing and get the hell outa my life.”

When a woman is more financially uplifted and has considerably more money than her man, it can manifest itself in a variety of ways, with many not being positive.

The balance of power will have shifted, and she feels her strength. No longer can he call the shots, dictate any terms of her fiscal, fiduciary, financial fantasies.

She now belongs to the millionaire’s club, and he belongs to the kennel club. Worse if the man loses his job and his finances are floundering, for the pressure will be turned up. The trouble all began when her finances flourished and his floundered. 

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