

First Encounter Lasting Impression

There’s never a second time to make a first impression, so you had better make that first impression a good one.

firstinpThat great first impression may impress some people, but there are certain things that are done or said that can have the opposite effect, making the person who you’re trying to impress flee like a pickpocket running from an angry crowd.

There are certain words that women say to men that make those guys lose interest really quickly and that first encounter is usually an exit signal.

So, here you go on that first encounter, that all important first date that can forge the foundation of your romantic future.

Your interest may be piqued by her looks, but when she starts to speak it’s an entirely different matter and you quickly lose interest when she says certain things. But what could she possibly say that would shatter that first impression?

One huge negative is her first utterance of matters that are financial. As you both sit across that table, you munching on the stew chicken, while she’s ripping into that lobster tail, her first words are, “My rent, light, water and cable bills are due next week.” Her ordering the lobster should have been a giveaway regarding the type of person that she is.

But when you hear that shopping list of utility bills, you almost choke on the chicken, but still manage to remain your composure and break a half smile, pretending that you didn’t hear. But she makes sure that her words strike home and repeats the list of unpaid utilities, waxing poetic as if it’s something that she’s done before.

Immediately, all positive thoughts of her evaporate. If this is how she is on the first date as she tries to impress you, and her demands are so deep, can you just imagine what the future will bring?

Then if on that very first encounter, after he wines and dines her, she allows him to take her back to his place, that ironically can be a red flag. Afterwards he may think, “Imagine, I just met her and she jump into bed with me. I wonder how often she do this?”

Yes, being an easy lay can be a bad first impression. To compound this, when a woman talks about her romantic history on that first date, going into lurid explicit details about her activities, that can be a terrible first impression that makes some men flee.

“Over the last ten months I had ten men who couldn’t satisfy me.”

Most men would lose interest at that point, but there’s an irony. The reverse can have the same effect on the potential future of the relationship. If upon bringing up the subject of romance on that first date, she makes it clear that she has no intentions of being romantic with you or anyone anytime soon, and can take it or leave it, or, rather leave it more than take it.

“Lovemaking is not enjoyable, but only to have children. I can do without it.”

After he tabulates how much he’s spent on the evening, and then calculates how much the future will cost him, computes the cost benefit analysis and determines the diminishing returns, he’s outta there faster than a cheetah.

The bombshell though, is if she tells you on the first date, “Oh, by the way, I’m pregnant.” Now which man in his right mind is going to even consider taking it one step further with this woman who just dropped this thunderclap on him?

Maybe the only thing that’s comparable is if she tells the man that she has three children for four different men, and one of them is in prison for murder. “ He didn’t really mean to kill him, but he caught me in bed with another guy. He’s so jealous.”

That first encounter can be so important, and that’s why many persons do their utmost best to make a great first impression, even if it means concealing their true self.

I know that some of those scenarios may seem farfetched, but I can assure you, all are real experiences from various men. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. 

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