It was one of Murphy’s Laws that said, ‘If something can go wrong, it will.’ Well, it’s the women’s law that says, if something goes wrong, it’s the man’s fault. Oh yes, mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Loosely translated from Latin, ‘It’s my fault, it’s totally my fault.”
At least that’s the thinking of some women who have so successfully foisted this belief upon men that many of the poor souls walk around thinking that it’s true, and that they are really responsible for all the bad things that occur in the relationship.
But what if it’s really true, and men are really at fault when it comes to the ills of partners who are experiencing relationship challenges? Could those women who are pointing fingers and heaping blame on men be really on to something?
But how could that be, after all, ‘Every story has three sides, his side, her side and the real side.’ Well, many women are convinced that men are to blame for everything that goes wrong, including the dreaded cheating.
Women cheat as much as men, if not more, but they’re discovered less because they’re better at it and cover their tracks well. But it must have been something that the men did that drove the women to go outside the relationship and seek fulfillment from another man?
This is true in some scenarios, for if the man neglects his woman, ignores her, doesn’t appreciate her, then there’s a strong possibility that she’ll seek attention and emotional fulfillment elsewhere.
“He doesn’t even see me, never compliments me on how I look, it’s as if I’m invisible.”
The alarming statistics of women having multiple babies with numerous men are evident, but the response is that’s it’s the man’s fault.. Plus they believe that it’s payback for how men treated women over the years. So it’s tit for tat, revenge, karma.
Domestic violence is the fault of men, as they are the only ones who initiate it and perpetuate it, is the belief of many women. True, the statistics corroborate this, and do give credence to what they are saying. But what about the women who are violent towards men, is that the man’s fault too?
“Of course it is, for if he didn’t do something to tick her off, she’d have no reason to hit him.” That’s the logic of some women..
What about those good men who treat their women like queens, give them everything that they want and need, fulfill all her desires, and are basically as near to being a perfect partner as a man possibly can?
Who’s fault is it when such a man is cheated on, disrespected and abandoned by his wife? Well, a news clip recently showed that the ex-wife of famous Brazilian football star, Kaka, left him because, as she put it, “He was too good.”
“I divorced my husband because he was too perfect for me,” Brazil World Cup winner’s ex-wife reveals. “Kaka never betrayed me, he treated me well, he gave me a wonderful family, but I was not happy, something was missing,” she was quoted in The Sun. “The problem was he was too perfect for me.”
Women love bad men, rogues, cowboys, and even though they say that they want a good man, when they do get one, he’s not good enough, or ironically, too good?
Fortunately all women do not subscribe to the notion that it’s always the man’s fault. But enough do to make it worrisome for many a young man who wishes to embark on the perilous oceans of relationships.
“The people who actively find fault in others, are the same people who are completely blind to their own.” Kristen Butler
‘And why beholdest thou the mote (speck) that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?’
Mathew 7:5.
So men, don’t be daunted, disillusioned or damned by those women who lay the blame squarely at your feet for everything that goes wrong. It’s not always your fault.