Plagues have been around for centuries. They’ve even been chronicled in the Bible, when locusts, toads, flies, pestilence and diseases tormented mankind.
There were terrible plagues, such as the bubonic spread by flea carrying rats, that decimated medieval Europe. The Spanish flu killed between 80 and 100 million people worldwide in 1918. Ebola in Africa took its deadly toll, as did SARS and swine flu. HIV/AIDS has killed millions over the years. Measles killed over 140,000 last year. Other widespread health problems included scarlet fever, smallpox, polio, cholera and anthrax.
Now this cursed COVID-19 virus is wreaking havoc worldwide.
The world is in a crisis of epic proportions that took us all by surprise. Or did it? Ancient prophecies, and even some modern ones, plus the conspiracy theorists, have been predicting this crosses that has descended on us. Some of these prophecies have been attributed to Nostradamus, French physician and reputed seer from the 14th century. Bill Gates, computer pioneer, gave an eerily prophetic speech in 2015 about viral warfare.
COVID-19, has transformed the entire world in a matter of weeks. The origin, it is said, was from people eating bats that were infested with the virus.
People have been eating bats for centuries, so what’s different now? But that’s just my enquiring mind.
Viruses are smart, resilient. They mutate as they jump from bat to human and then human to human. COVID-19 ran through China, where it originated, like a whirlwind from hell, and in a short time thousands were infected with many dying.
That was just the beginning, as air and sea travel swept it through the world. Italy outdid China in infections and deaths, and now the United States is in the grips of a torrent of infections and fatalities.
Almost everything has ground to a halt, cinemas, plays, restaurants, churches, sports, as almost all have been canceled. New York City is a virtual ghost town as COVID-19 sweeps through. The city that never sleeps has gone to bed.
Although not officially mandated, romance has taken a beating because of this plague.
Men are reluctant to solicit call girls, for fear of being infected. But give it time, after a while the ladies of the night will be saying: “Here’s a condom and a face mask.”
The “other woman” or mistress will also have a difficult time, as her married man boyfriend cannot spend as much time with her as before. Work has been curtailed, so he’ll have to self-quarantine in his house and spend time with his wife and children.
“Mommy, how come daddy’s home all the time now?”
“Covid 19 clip his wings my dear.”
But mark my words, if this thing lasts long enough, after a while people will get used to it and it’ll be business as usual.
People will walk with their masks on, won’t kiss, with no face to face contact made. Hand washing has now become the order of the day. It will now be challenging for people to forge new relationships.
“We can’t do anything until after you’ve been Covid 19 tested.”
There is no dating as we knew it anymore. No more movies, dinner, dancing and romance. Now it’s meeting online only. Not even in church can you congregate.
Men who like to watch porn will feel justified in their behavior because it’s safe. Lovers who live overseas can’t come home to hook up anymore. Long distance relationships are taking a beating.
Romance in COVID-19 time can be most challenging. But people are inventive and innovative. They will find a way.