On 6-4 and 6-10-2020, “The Concerned Citizens of the Unsung Essential Workers” gave two parades at Carver Middle School and McCoy Elementary School in Orange County - also Wicklow Elementary School Midway Elementary and Sanford Middle School in Seminole County. The purpose of these parades/events was to show our appreciation for the workers, whose heartfelt dedication has kept us safe and serving food in their community during a worldwide pandemic.
The organizers of the Concerned Citizens of the Unsung Essential Workers focus group are Hortencia Owens, Rosemary Closson, and June Robinson. As members of the focus group continued to grow, the idea came out of a article written by Hortencia Owens asking the question – Where are the tributes, parades, handclapping, candle lighting, and songs for our environmental employees, i.e. housekeepers, cafeteria workers, and custodians? “We therefore wrote letters and made phone calls to Environmental Directors of area hospitals, recommending that they recognize their workers in a special way, and we received positive responses for our efforts,” says Hortencia Owens.
Eventually, the Environmental Directors granted permission in Orange County and Seminole County to go forward. The food service workers were ever so grateful and overwhelmed, when they heard the noise makers, parades, and read the posters. The event was joined by the parishioners of the Baha’i faith, who believe in our mission.
Remember our slogan, “Passion into Action.” We hope that our action inspires others to do the same as these worldly events calls for action.
“I honestly can’t thank you enough. You have an amazing group with such huge hearts. You all are changing the world with love. I love, and am inspired by that,” – Kaylyn Akeley Marketing – Red Apple Dinning.
Concerned Citizen for the Unsung Essential Workers