When this article is published, there will be 5 days left in the election of 2020. As an American, decency and honesty is on the table, and Ex-Vice President Biden fits the bill as he gives us pride. In the last 4 years, there has been something fundamentally wrong with the leadership.
From the first time anyone meets Joe Biden, there is something morally right about his character and decency as a human being. As a Democrat, he has the ability to work across the party lines, and be respected by both parties.
In 2020, America and Democracy is being challenged, and now is a dangerous time for truth and integrity. There is a division and it has created many different splits, and everyone is lining up on their particular side. Some of the fights make no sense, and some are created by the party in charge.
In a speech in Gettysburg Biden said, “Our trust in each other is ebbing; hope seems elusive. Too many Americans see our public life, not as an arena for a mediation of our differences, but rather they see it as an occasion for total, unrelenting partisan warfare. Instead of treating each other’s party as the opposition, we treat them as the enemy. This must end. We need to revive the spirit of bipartisanship in this country, the spirit of being able to work with one another.”
2020 has been the year of Covid-19, and to survive everyone has given up a piece of the pie of reality, and over 8 million have been sick, and over a quarter million have died. This virus does not care if you are a Republican, a Democrat, White, Black or Hispanic. The pandemic will attack you, and it doesn’t matter your differences, it only matters that you are a human being.
These are challenging times in America, and there is a need for bipartisan coordination, and we all must work together in unity. This 2020 election is critical for the direction the country will take in the next 4 years and beyond.
Joe Biden understands that he does not have all the answers, but he believes in working to healing the divisions in the country, and shares an everlasting loyalty to what is best for the country.
Both candidates believe they are patriotic, and loyal to the country. But Biden’s family tragedies have given him the emotional strength to lead with compassion and empathy. Death is a reality in America, and it is time for dying to end, and organize a federal coordinated plan, to change the direction in the country.
As more high level Republicans endorses Biden, former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has been extremely vocal. “Although Vice President and I disagree on some policy points, I believe he will earnestly pursue options that work toward healing the divide exacerbated by Trump and his administration.”
In Biden’s book, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics, he wrote, “The first few days, I felt trapped in a dream where you are constantly falling – I began to understand how despair led people to just cash it in; how suicide wasn’t just an option but a rational option. But I’d look at Beau and Hunter asleep and wonder who would explain to my sons my being gone. And I knew, I had no choice but to fight to stay alive.”
With Biden’s first wife and daughter killed in an accident, he commuted back and forth to Delaware to hug and kiss his boys every night. The measure of a man is based on his character, and the love he gives to his children, his wife, and family.
The measure of a leader or a president is the love he gives to his followers, and what they say about him after he is gone. Joe Biden is the man for the job, because he listens, and he brings decency and integrity to the White House.
Vote like your life depends on it, because you are voting for the next generation, our children. Biden is the right man for this time and the job of President of the United States.