As President Donald Trump makes more statements that make no sense, and are not based on facts, his base supports him more passionately. Many would think that White people would not trust Trump, because they know he lies, but his fan base is growing. Over 50% of White women support the president, and 80% of White men support him.
These numbers are staggering, and many of these White people no longer accept forced diversity, and White males are mad. They feel that White men as a class are being attacked, and it is time to stockpile firearms. Some think it is possible there may be a race war, and since 2008 election of President Obama, the number of firearms manufactured in the US has tripled.
Since President Trump has been elected, the angry White male caucus has come alive, and they are not afraid to admit, there are too many people of color in positions of authority. When you analyze the President’s administration, there are very few people of color and women in leadership roles.
“Trumpism is all about the fear of losing traditional privilege,” Stony Brook University sociology professor Michael Kimmel explained. “White men’s anger comes from the potent fusion of two sentiments: entitlement and a sense of victimization.”
As White men lose their jobs to women, men of color and international professionals, the blue color jobs are being replaced by technology, robots, and machines. There are around fifty thousand jobs for miners left in the country, and President Trump is lying when he tells his supporters the jobs are coming back.
There is a White outrage that is sweeping the country, and Fox host Sean Hannity calls this “the Deep State.” The deep state is an imaginary government whose goal is to get President Trump thrown out of office illegally. This entire concept is based on conspiracy theories and the liberals are planning to impeach the president.
This divide in the country is more pronounced with the President and his administration. White men terrorism is becoming dangerous and more radicalized. There is a particular profile of White men who are stockpiling guns, and you never know who is carrying a concealed weapon.
There is a true disconnect in a country, when there is a serious discussion by state legislatures whether teachers should carry concealed firearms in their classroom.
Chris Owens Vice President Southeastern University said, “I would have never imagined back in 2009 when I first entered higher education that one day I might be asked to put my life on the line or take someone’s life. We hate that this is what our society has led us to.”
There is something extremely wrong when people think they need to walk around with a concealed weapon. Not only are people walking around with a concealed weapon they are also angry.
The immigration issue is another reason for White people to be angry and President Trump continues to stroke the fire, when he speaks. The entire discussion with the Republican base is in code words, and basically they want America to be great (white) again.
Billionaires and millionaires continue to get breaks and corporate welfare, and the less fortunate people who need breaks are getting their benefits cut. It makes no sense that 50% of White women are still supporting President Trump, and they know the majority of statements coming out of his mouth are lies.
White privilege is still significant in 2019, and being born White gives you an advantage. More than eighty percent of good corporate jobs go to White people. Take a look at the faces you see on television, and look at the faces in the good professional positions, they are not of color. Racism is well and thriving and Black people and people of color must fight discrimination and unfair treatment, where ever it shows its ugly head.