Some say it’s a man’s world: That man rules and women are second class and are often disenfranchised.
In many cases it is so, but men also get a raw deal in this life, especially when it comes to dealing with women.
Sure, when a man is wheeling and dealing with his peers in the corporate world, sports, business or any such endeavor, he’s usually in control, on top of his game. But take him out of that realm and he’s often diminished when it comes to women, as almost everything that he does is just not good enough, not up to scratch.
Truth be told, men do have it hard sometimes when it comes to dealing with women. So, because of this, many guys tend to either try too hard to keep up, can’t bother to make the effort or just accept their lot.
A man will be himself until he meets a woman. At that point, he’s now expected to change, adjust to suit her. The irony is, the same traits and characteristics that she found attractive in him, she now loathes.
He used to be a bellicose, bombastic, life of the party guy, chatting to women in a flirtatious yet innocent way. In fact, that’s how he met his current spouse. But all that has come to a screeching halt, for that personality is no longer attractive to her.
It’s written in the DNA of men. And yet all that may soon stop.
The reason is, women are crying foul when a man approaches them. No longer will a man be able to see a woman and say, “Hey Baby, how ya doing?’ or “What’s your number, what’s your name?” He is now afraid to make any verbal gesture for fear of being slapped with harassment lawsuits.
“You have a nerve, calling to me, asking for my number.”
As for touching, that’s definitely a no-no. Even a brush on the shoulder or holding hands can land some men in courthouse. Women must now be treated with a look-but-don’t-say-anything-or-touch attitude.
How can he discern that thin line between a casual approach and harassment? How will he ever find a companion if he can’t approach women anymore?
Now I’m not condoning the actions of those disrespectful predatory creeps who prey on women. But when a guy sees a woman who he likes, and makes an approach, he’ll now have to think twice. If he’s afraid to make the first step, she’ll consider him weak, cowardly and ineffective. Yet if he makes a bold approach, she can scream harassment.
Women are always complaining about how men are bad. But women can dish it out too, in their own inimitable secretive style. Usually when a man is “bad” it’s pretty obvious, straightforward, plain to see.
Ironically, some women find this trait attractive, and that’s why those guys get so many women who are drawn like moths to the flame. But when a woman’s bad, she can really turn it up.
Let’s take the case of paternity. This is one area that men have little control over and a woman can make him suffer. She doesn’t want any financially poor man. Poor suffering men, deceived, duped, discombobulated by these deceptive damsels, denied the pleasures of paternity.
Well, fortunately United States immigration requires DNA testing for permanent residence, a fact that unearthed many a deception.
And so a man goes through life appearing to be strong, yet sensitive and caring, but not too much, having to provide and care for, yet strike a balance for a happy life. And then you wonder if men suffer too.