

Wife Search

Because of this apparent shortage of wife-material-women, many men are left out on a limb, living in limbo, bereft of female companionship because they cannot find a suitable woman to be their wife.

greedyIt was always the belief that this issue was the domain of women who are constantly bawling that they cannot find a man, but clearly that is not so.

The consensus is, many men have lost faith in women and view them with suspicion. Of course, many guys will have their fun with women, but when it comes to settling down with one to call wife, that’s when the concerns become real.

So when you see a man running up and down with a bevy of different women, don’t judge him too harshly and call him a player, as maybe he’s just afraid to settle down with the wrong one and get burnt.

This is of even greater concern to a man of means, for he cannot be sure if the woman wants him for who he really is, or for what he has, money and material things. When he was poor with nothing to his name no women would even give him the time of day, but now that he’s made it they all come knocking at his door.

The quest is real, the situation is dire, the concern is great, the frustration is omnipresent.

Many women are disappointed with who they married, but just live with their circumstances. But men, ah men, what do they look for in a woman to be a wife? First of all, looks are important and don’t be deceived by people who say that looks don’t matter. They lie. Nobody wants to be married to a toad, male or female, and kissing it won’t change it either.

No man wants to be saddled with a woman who has no kerb appeal. Like it or not it’s true, and until they eliminate the phrase, ‘beautiful bride,’ from the wedding ceremony, I will stand by my statement.

Secondly, he doesn’t want a woman who is too needy and greedy, for that’ll be an emotional and financial drain on his psyche and his purse. Emotional baggage can be the most burdensome of all, for she comes with all the weight of her past relationships on her shoulders and dumps it right in his lap. A wife should fly light with just a carry- on as luggage.

The wife must have desire for the man, not the fake kind that disappears right after the ring goes on, but a genuine feeling, making him feel as if she wants him as much as he wants her.

A wife must be a partner to the man, support him in whatever area of his life that he chooses and not be his harshest critic. That has been the downfall of many relationships that eventually led to ruination, the constant criticism by the wives to husbands.

“It’s as if I can’t do anything right, as far as she’s concerned, everything I do is wrong.”

There’s this story about this guy who after constant criticism from his wife decided to hang himself because he couldn’t take it anymore. When his wife walked in and saw him hanging from the ceiling, her remark was, “You tied the knot in the rope wrong, you got dirt on the chair.”

Still, here’s what some men had to say. “My wife makes me proud to be her husband.”” My wife understands me better than everyone.” “There is no one more loving than my wife.”

Any woman who can hear those words from her man is the genuine article. But how many men can say that, how many women exist in this modern day world of Tik Tok, You Tube and Facebook and have no clue how to be a wife?

How many men will continue the wife search? 

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